Terugkeer van het gezond verstand?

Steeds meer bedrijven en organisaties keren zich tegen de Black Lives Matter-beweging. Ze vinden dat activisten de strijd tegen racisme misbruiken om hun ‘extreemlinkse agenda’ door te voeren. De BBC verbood bijvoorbeeld haar presentatoren om speldjes van BLM te dragen en ook de Britse voetbalwereld neemt steeds meer afstand van de groep.

Eén gedachte over “Terugkeer van het gezond verstand?

  1. Ik denk niet dat het hier gaat om “gezond verstand” maar om een “tweet” :
    met citaat :
    “Black Lives Matter had the establishment’s full support while rioters were burning down businesses, looting stores, attacking innocent people in the streets and killing cops but all that appears to have changed with just one tweet. :

    As Israel moves forward with the annexation of the West Bank, and mainstream British politics is gagged of the right to critique Zionism, and Israel’s settler colonial pursuits, we loudly and clearly stand beside our Palestinian comrades. FREE PALESTINE.
    11:50 AM · Jun 28, 2020
    (=einde tweet).
    “The backlash was swift.”
    Black Lives Matter ‘Canceled’ After Criticizing Israel
    “Every day one Jewish organization or another brags about its success in defeating our most precious Western values: political freedom and intellectual tolerance.
    “At the moment it seems as if silencing authentic Black voices is the Zionists’ prime objective.
    “This morning we learned that Black Voices do not matter at all: in a total capitulation to the French Zionist Lobby group CRIF, the great Black French comedian Dieudonné’s YouTube channel was deleted by Google.”
    Black Voices also Matter JULY 01, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON
    (=einde citaten).

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