2 gedachten over “Australisch TV-anker: sluit de grenzen voor moslims

  1. En wie was er de eerste om haar aan te vallen ??
    met citaat :
    ” Australian TV Host Calls for Muslim Ban, Australia’s ADL Attacks Her ‘Offensive Bigotry’
    Chris Menaha
    Comically, Australia’s own version of the ADL came out and viciously attacked Kruger as a prejudiced bigot:
    …the Anti-Defamation Commission, an Australian Jewish civil rights organisation, has spoken out denouncing Ms Kruger’s words.
    ADC Chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich said: “I am dismayed and concerned by this misguided and outrageous statement. Sonia Kruger’s call to ban Muslim immigration to Australia is deeply offensive, irrational and unacceptable.
    “Banning anyone from entry to our country on the basis of their religion goes against long-standing Australian values of respect, inclusivity and religious freedom.
    “Such singling out and demonising of Muslims is counterproductive and will only serve to foment fear and hatred. As we face the threat of radical islamist terror, we must avoid falling into the trap of blaming individuals and communities.
    “Our nation is strengthened by diversity, and it is crucial that all leaders stand united in combatting any manifestations of bigotry and prejudice.”
    So why not advocate for open borders for Israel?”(=einde citaat)
    En voor de rest maar lullen over antisemitisme!!!

  2. Zolang het een kleine minderheid is, heb je bijna geen problemen met die moslims, maar als het een grote minderheid wordt dan beginnen de problemen en dat zien we in alle grote steden van Europa.

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