Wie trekt er aan de touwtjes?

  • Werd de EU op poten gezet door de CIA?  Moest een nieuw getekend Europa dienen om de NAVO sterker te maken en tot aan de Russische grens te kunnen ‘opereren’?
  • Zijn de spanningen tussen Rusland en de VSA nu intenser dan tijdens de Koude Oorlog?
  • De ware betekenis van de Brexit is dat het de NAVO versplintert.
  • Het is gemakkelijker een onverkozen EU-Commissie, die aan niemand verantwoording moet afleggen,  onder controle te houden dan individuele regeringen.

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Lees ook: The Amount of Influence CIA Can Exercise Over the EU is Bothersome

Ondertiteling en geautomatiseerde vertaling via icoontjes onderaan.

1 gedachte op “Wie trekt er aan de touwtjes?

  1. Nog een kijk op wat de EUSSR werkelijk is Enkele citaten, maar voor een goed begrip is de lezing van de volledige tekst noodzakelijk, die in het kort bestek een juiste en volledige diagnose stelt van de kanker :
    met citaat :
    “What is your assessment of contemporary Western Europe, and in particular the EU?
    All major political parties in Western Europe, regardless of their different names and party programs, are nowadays committed to the same fundamental idea of democratic socialism. They use democratic elections to legitimize the taxing of productive people for the benefit of unproductive people. They tax people, who have earned their income and accumulated their wealth by producing goods or services purchased voluntarily by consumers (and of course especially the “rich” among those), and they then re-distribute the confiscated loot to themselves, i.e., the democratic State that they control or hope to control, and their various political friends, supporters, and potential voters.”(=einde citaat)
    Over de EUSSR :
    “But what about the EU?
    Looking at the EU, the picture becomes even worse. The EU is the first step on the way toward the creation of a European Super-State, and ultimately of a one-world government, dominated by the USA and its central bank, the FED. From its very beginnings, and despite all high-sounding political proclamations to the contrary, the EU was never about free trade and free competition. For that, you don’t need tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations! Rather, the central purpose of the EU, supported all-along by the USA, was always the weakening in particular of Germany as Europe’s economic powerhouse. To facilitate this, Germany was sent on a seemingly never-ending “guilt trip” and thus pressured to transfer increasingly larger parts of its already limited (vis-à-vis the USA) sovereignty to the EU in Brussels. Especially noteworthy in this regard: Germany’s giving up its monetary sovereignty and abandoning its traditionally “strong” currency, the DM, in favor of a “weak” Euro, issued by a European Central Bank (ECB) composed overwhelmingly of politically connected central bankers from traditionally “weak” currency countries.”(=einde citaaat)
    Een besluit :
    “In conclusion, then: Don’t put your trust in democracy, but neither should you trust in a dictatorship. Rather, put your hope into radical political decentralization, not just in India and China, but everywhere”(=einde citaat).
    Dit laatste is zeker van belang in verband met de plannen van Verhofstadt, De Croo e.a.
    In de voormelde tekst wordt ook een vergelijking gemaakt met de VSA.
    Er is nog maar weinig verschil tussen de EUSSR en de VSA.

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